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Who Do You Want Calling Your Members?


At BeneLynk, our approach to documenting and addressing Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) barriers is centered on a human-to-human connection. When we call health plan members, we identify ourselves as calling from the client health plan. Our Advocates represent these clients and we take that responsibility seriously. We understand that it is a deeply important decision for a managed care organization to determine whom they authorize to speak to members on their behalf.    

Member engagement is built on trust, and it is important to us that our health plan clients have the information they need to put their trust in us. From our scripting, to our training, to our management, every component of our services is designed to allow us to fully represent them. When our Advocates call a member, we need to embody their vision and mission. It is our responsibility to instill trust in the member, to ensure that he or she knows that our Advocates have the information and support necessary to provide real and meaningful help. This can’t be done using recorded messages. It requires a trained advocate.

For many of our services, we become the member’s authorized representative. This authorization allows us to work directly with the state on a member’s behalf, or appeal a denial that we feel is erroneous, or to otherwise complete tasks to help a member secure important benefits. At BeneLynk, we recognize that this represents an important trust, and that our clients are justifiably cautious. We take that trust seriously, and it informs every aspect of the way that we do our work.  

That is why it is so important that we maintain our impartiality. At BeneLynk we work on behalf of health plans with over 12 million Medicare Advantage members and many more Medicaid members. BeneLynk is independently owned with, no health plan ownership. Instead, we are owned and operated by our senior management team. We answer to our clients, both members and health plans. As the President of BeneLynk, I answer to our clients, and am proud to stand behind the work that our trained Advocates do every day.

Transparency is one of our foundational beliefs here at BeneLynk – that includes transparency in our ownership.

As always, we are excited to talk Social Determinants of Health. If you want to chat, please drop us a note today at Sales@BeneLynk.com.

About the Author

Sean Libby has been an advocate for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and individuals with low income for over 18 years. At BeneLynk, we are committed to helping managed care plans to deliver superior Social Determinant of Health solutions to their members. We are always looking to learn more and would like to hear your ideas on how best to assist members in need. Drop us a note at Sales@BeneLynk.com.

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